Find catchy business names

Our AI naming engine generates hundreds of catchy name ideas for your business in seconds. Simply enter a keyword and get customized name suggestions and .com domain check.
business website

AI Engine

Suggests hundreds of creative business names from just one keyword using advanced artificial intelligence.
domain availability

Domain Search

Instantly check domain name availability and get recommendations for quality .com domains.

Memorable names

Garple's mission is to help businesses stand out with catchy, easy to remember names and .com domains.
Our passionate team of naming experts use creativity and linguistic analysis to generate hundreds of unique name ideas optimized to be catchy and easy to remember.
naming team
brainstorm session
workspace fun

Memorable names

We generate catchy business names suitable for building a brand.

Name ideas
Get an AI-powered list of memorable dot com domain name ideas customized for your business.
Domain search
We instantly check domain name availability across all popular extensions like .com, .net to find the perfect domain.
Secure domains
Register your favorite .com domain securely with SSL encryption and automatic renewal.
Launch ready
Get a professional email and fully configured website instantly so you can start your online business with no delays.
Expert support
Our team is available 24/7 to answer any questions and help you launch successfully.
Using Garple, I instantly found the perfect name and domain for my new bakery website. The suggestions were so creative and on-point that my decision was effortless. I'm thrilled with my memorable new brand identity.
Noah Baker

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Call us at our number or stop by our Swiss office to chat about creative solutions for your brand naming and domain needs.
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